A talk to highlight the significance of open spaces in Mumbai
I am Architect Rinka D'Monte from Atelier ARBO from Mumbai, India. With years of architectural design practice, I have worked on various projects in India and abroad. Even though with living in an Urban city like Mumbai
with available resources at my disposal
About the TALK
The talk is about how we in 2020 are managing to work with our local corporators & governing bodies for the betterment of public open spaces in our city.
I am working very hard with my limited resources to make more public open spaces available for use. Also creating children's play space for more kids along with my son which makes sense.
Google Services are FREE
BMC parks are FREE
but a vision & thought is the essence of a great open space which takes time and effort.
I am working very hard with my limited resources to make more public open spaces available for use. Also creating children's play space for more kids along with my son which makes sense.
Google Services are FREE
BMC parks are FREE
but a vision & thought is the essence of a great open space which takes time and effort.
News and Media Coverage
Need for Funds
As all of this work is done voluntarily there is no fee which is collected from the government bodies so as to continue with this initiative to work towards making Green open space / public spaces more accessible and usable drives us. My current architectural design firm cannot support this initiative fully, so the funds contributed to this initiative will assist me keeping up with the work.
Other Platforms
This festival is only the beginning as i am focusing on doing more urban scale work and projects with an intent to make it more collaborative, I would like to showcase and present the same in different architectural festivals all over the world. There are two more events which I am interested in participating in this year and they will help me to get more media coverage and assist in spreading a good word about my work.
I will be submitting my work as well as writing papers to represent different ideas to expand the work
I will be submitting my work as well as writing papers to represent different ideas to expand the work
Graciously Thankful
Your contribution will assist me in this venture to continue with the effort towards making available open spaces usable in the city. So do contribute whatever you feel is comfortable to you. I will be immensely thankful to you for your considerable contribution.